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If you store images in the database itself you need to save them to some temporary directory first and then attach it to the email. I store images in directory on server. Are you sure you want to فظيحت دني صطفي سكس your template? Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong here?

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Cookie settings. Privacy policy. This tutorial applies to the situation when images are stored on the hard drive.

English to Chinese Document Translation Character Encoding Problem - Microsoft Q&A

Thor Leach Hello, could you please share your document if that is not confidential to us? Here is the sample code to send an email with attachments stored in database field. Delete template?

Thor Leach. Yes, continue No, thanks.

Sorry we can not reproduce this issue without your sample document, I would highly recommend you to raise a support ticket, connect فظيحت دني صطفي سكس a support engineer to investigate it deeper.

Make sure to replace "Field that stores attachments" with the actual field name. Change language. Cookie policy.

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I'm running PHP Version 5.