Vidoe caleg dpr nasde

Thanks to their public notoriety, the Angels, Camels and Destiaras are considered representative of many young female candidates. A total of 54, Indonesians are between Vidoe caleg dpr nasde ages of 17 and Millions of young people will be casting their ballots for the first time.

What's at stake? The Election Commission has announced that , people are registered to vote in this election; according to figures from the Central Bureau of Statistics.

For more reports from BBC Monitoring, click here. Who's running? Indonesia country profile.

Photo: kaskus. Image source, AFP. More than million Indonesians are expected to cast ballots.

Hot on the hustings–Indonesia's 'caleg cantik' - New Mandala

Yet inthe caleg cantik phenomenon is no longer so closely tied to celebrity: a thread from the Indonesian discussion forum kaskus. The comments of kaskus users, by and large, do not discriminate between celebrity and non-celebrity caleg cantik.

Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo is expected by many to become Indonesia's next president. Yet it is important to note that the list includes candidates with less glamorous backgrounds: a student, a doctor and a kindergarten teacher all make the cut.

Dapatkan Suara Terbanyak, Grace Natalie Tetap Gagal ke Senayan

Young female candidates identified as caleg cantikregardless of their personal qualities, can be hastily painted as the beneficiaries of a political culture plagued by superficiality, nepotism and sexual misdemeanour. Not only Vidoe caleg dpr nasde celebrity nominees benefit from high levels of name recognition, but they are equipped with the resources to finance their campaigns, making them doubly attractive to cash-strapped parties.

Unable to source high-quality candidates internally, parties have often turned to individuals with pre-existing public profiles. Which candidates have caught the media's eye? Most of [them]… possess little political understanding or concern for ordinary people.

Relatively few are identified as party members or activists.